Monday, 2 March 2015

Careers and Employability Events – This Wednesday

Siemens Insight Day - Weds, 4th March 2015,    1 – 4 pm

Sir William Siemens House, Princess Rd, Manchester, M20 2UR
Find out what it’s like to work at Siemens and hear about internship opportunities! For more information and to apply visit:

Grad BHS Presentation  -  Weds, 4th March 2015,  1 – 2 pm
NBS 3.16, All Saints Campus, MMU Business School
Hear about opportunities in retail management and merchandising!

Summer -  EF Language Travel – Recruitment -  Weds, 4th March 2015,  1  - 2pm
Room 229, Geoffrey Manton Building, All Saints Campus

Recruitment event in the Business School, job offers will be made on the day!

Sign up to attend the presentation at

1 comment:

  1. If you answered affirmative, decide to attend the 2015 Health Professions accomplishment honest to satisfy representatives from Graduate and skilled colleges in Medical, Dental, Allied Health & Post-Bacc programs. The event is open and liberated to UMD students and every one native university and school students. Co-sponsored with the University of Maryland's Reed-Yorke Health Professions Advising workplace and career event news
