Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Worthwhile Wednesday - Timetabling - Campaign to keep Wednesday Afternoons Free

Worthwhile Wednesday Campaign
As you’re aware we launched our Worthwhile Wednesday campaign back in January. 
We have had some great success engaging students with the campaign and have been working with timetabling to ensure that Wednesday afternoons are kept free.

The next stage of the campaign is for us to gather the views of students on whether they prefer Wednesday afternoons free, or Tues and Thurs 6-7PM free.  The University is considering extending lecture times on Tues and Thurs in order to ensure that Wednesday afternoons are free - this is a big decision so we want to consult as many students as possible. 

As we’re drawing closer to the Easter break, we would really appreciate your support.
Please fill out the survey and let us know what you think ..... 
You also get a chance of winning a £50 amazon voucher!

The link is here:

Amy Kittle Education Officer The Union, Manchester Metropolitan University, 21 Higher Cambridge Street, Manchester, M15 6AD

t: 0161 247 6475 | e:

Registered charity 1160225


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