What’s on in this week?
All events
listed are bookable through the Careers and Employability Service website unless
stated otherwise.
Monday 26
Applying For
Jobs 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Room GM 304, Geoffrey
Manton Building, Manchester
The variety of application forms and
processes used by employers means that you need specific knowledge to make your
application stand out. Get insider know-how on how applications are assessed and
tips to ensure you sell yourself to secure that interview.
Tuesday 27
How To Write
Winning CVs 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Room 328, Geoffrey
Manton Building
Ever wondered what the difference is
between okay and winning CVs? This workshop explores different CV formats and
covering letters, and the key qualities employers look for that will make you
stand out from the crowd and bag an interview.
Friday 30
Build Your Personal Brand 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Room 3.13, Business
We all network every day with friends and
colleagues, at events and via social media. Networking can be key to identifying
jobs that are not advertised so it is important to know how and when to network
confidently to create opportunities for yourself and make those essential
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