Tuesday, 6 November 2018

British Council Generation UK – China internship programme! - Applications Open


Applications are now open for the British Council Generation UK – China internship programme!
You choose your industry sector and which of six exciting Chinese cities you’d like to work in. Start dates are available throughout the year, so you can carry out your placement in the months that suit you. 
Two-month internships are available in a variety of sectors, from Law, Engineering and Fashion to Marketing, Sales and Finance, and many more, so if you're looking to gain professional experience in your chosen sector, why not consider interning in China?
Funding covers internship placement fees, accommodation and travel insurance, as well as airport pick-up and dedicated support throughout your placement.
This opportunity is for UK students and recent graduates and funding is focused on those from low-income backgrounds. Further eligibility criteria apply and you can find these on the website.
Applications will close on 2 December 2018 (23.59 BST).
Eager to find out more? Please visit our website for more details and to apply for these opportunities.

Best wishes,
Danielle Newey| Programme Officer, Outward Mobility |  Education
British Council | Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy

4/F Landmark Building Tower 1 | 8 Dongsanhuan Beilu | Beijing 100004 | China
T(电话) +86(0)10 8591 9022  | F(传真) +86(0)10 6590 0977 | BCTN (internal) 8236 9022

Many thanks,

Hazel Doyle | Faculty Careers & Employability Manager – Business  | Careers & Employability Service | Manchester Metropolitan University | Manchester Metropolitan University
Email h.doyle@mmu.ac.uk | Phone +44(0)161 247 3483
103 Business School Building | Manchester Metropolitan University | Manchester | Manchester, M15 6BH United Kingdom | United Kingdom | mmu.ac.uk
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