Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Meet The Employer Event - Tourism - Possible International Business Interest ? THIS WEDS, 7TH NOV, 1PM

Book here: bit.ly/mmutourism  

Event this Wednesday called 'Tourism: Meet The Employers'. 
With your global outlook and international business perspective, the employers attending this event will be keen to speak to meet you.

Come and join us at 'Meet The Employers', offering a range of placement, internship & graduate opportunities. These events are often really good stepping stones and provide you with an opportunity to connect with employers - so come along and make some new connections!

You can find out how to apply for opportunities and stand out from the crowd at this 'speed networking' style event. There will also be the opportunity to brush on your networking skills at our workshop prior to meeting employers.

Employers attending include Clarity Travel Management, Expedia, Travel Management by STA Travel, Marriott International, Camp America, Eurocamp & Alfresco Holidays and others!

Wednesday 7th November, 1-4pm

Business School, North Atrium

Find out more and book: bit.ly/mmutourism

We look forward to seeing you there!

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